zan visit
our good friend zan called while we were grilling salmon & burgers, etc. on the deck with jack and rebecca and said he was waiting at Kennedy Airport to connect to his flight to Boston, but, if we told him not to get on the plane, he would instead come and sleep on our floor for a while.

in about an hour, as the food was about done, he was in our backyard with a veggie burger and beer. and he wound up staying the weekend, and hege & i had a fantastic time catching up with him. the girls loved it, too. he was really good about blending into our parenthood routine, and unfortunatley, we only got this one photo of him on Sunday night as we watched a movie and a big mexican meal.

Saturday afternoon was Owen's 5th birthday party, which was a soccer party in Prospect Park. Here's mette & mia (Una's daughter). Mette had found a patch of wet mud and was using a stick to paint her entire leg black.

the soccer party consisted of 3 'coaches' setting up a field and running through a long series of warmups and drills for the kids. Like a real practice, but with a lot of individual contact and encouragement and fun. Then they divided into teams and played an unusual match where every person had their own ball and everbody won.

all the parents mingled off on the sidelines eating bagels & cream cheese and drinking coffee and really enjoying the stress-free morning. Zan was there too, and we relaxed in the grass and got a great start to a (somewhat hungover) day of walking and talking around Park Slope.