new years eve basement dance party

the Turducken hot out of the oven and just carved

Rebecca loving some wine, todd freeman, and shawn upton

sabine mitchell (wearing mette's new xmas dress) and mette dancing like mad

Trish Fox

Remy, Madeleine, and Hennie dancing on the 'stage'

Rebecca brought glow sticks, as she usually does to every party

midnight champagne (that's oliver, frid's son)

the kids got sparkling apple/pear cider

this was about 10:30 i think - and they slept right thru everything

some of the big girls - sophia, hennie, and madeleine

bryan, cristina, juliet, chris, frid, chip, leonie, randy, trish - not sure what time this was taken. at our largest we had about 30 people here

disco ball and christmas lights - and the forever unfinished ceiling

shawn upton, with leonie wilson in the background

todd freeman and juliet terzian (parents of remy and edana) - she brought a batch of her famous margueritas

leonie and frid

todd & edana

chip choreographing something later in the evening

marco, madeleine, and hennie

owen, madeleine, and hennie
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