
birthday in the park

this was a birthday party for Ella (in pigtails to the right of Hennie) in Prospect Park. She is the daughter of Mette's Music-Together teacher, Kevin.

Kevin and his wife had games planned. This was an egg race.

There was also a water balloon toss

which ended with Kevin inviting all the kids to hit him with the left over balloons

late afternoon

mette asleep in a pizza parlor


misc. h&m


poconos weekend

Celebrate Brooklyn

every summer there is a concert series at the bandshell in prospect park. they are only $3, and theres always a few for kids and families. its been a great way to relax as the sun goes down and have a picnic and some beer. this was the first year we had both girls there and they ran around in roving groups and sometimes listened to the music.

hennie with sophia. Yuna has her back to the camera and Mia is laying on the blanket.
there were a lot of Chickpeas there.

at the end of this one, the band called for all the kids to come onstage to join them for the last song - so they could be rock stars. Hennie and her friends were off exploring and never made it up, but i took mette on my shoulders and we stood behind the guitarist and bounced around until she got a little spooked by all the action.

ballet recital

Hennie's ballet class had a last recital to perform a dance for all the parents.
We went and filmed a lot, and enjoyed the chaos.

this was the butterfly tutu they all wore

mette felt left out and we dressed her in her own leotard and an old pair of wings we had laying around.
which made her happy.

the 'big' girls watching the todlers perform beforehand