our last fundraising event for hennie's preschool (Chickpeas) was a big yard sale at the site of the new location. it was a chance for everyone to gather at next years space before it gets demo'd and remodeled, and to kind of announce ourselves to the new neighborhood. its 2 storefronts with a nice backyard, and about 3 blocks down 7th avenue from the apt. hege and i were renting when hennie was born. so we enjoyed being back in the neighborhood for the day, even though we aren't coming back to chickpeas with hennie next year.

the sale was a huge success, with everyone baking and bringing food, clothes, cds, and toys to sell. the girls loved it and were well behaved the entire day. this is hennie with Mia. and thats mette eating the top off the inventory. (one of many cupcakes she destroyed that day)