hennie drawings
we bought each of us (all 4) small bound drawing books before traveling to louisiana for easter - something to draw on while on the plane. it turned out to be a much bigger hit than i'd imagined it would be, and hennie especially has taken a very personal interest in maintaining hers. maybe its a pre-diary.
we often, as an alternative to reading books, put on some music and all get our books, the markers, and draw for a while before bed.
here are some of hennie's drawings (mettes are still a bit formless, but i'll post some before too long because i can see that she's following a similar arc as hennie):
we often, as an alternative to reading books, put on some music and all get our books, the markers, and draw for a while before bed.
here are some of hennie's drawings (mettes are still a bit formless, but i'll post some before too long because i can see that she's following a similar arc as hennie):

she's very attuned to 3/4 views - i explained it to her a very long time ago and she got very excited because she understood what i meant. and she's very proud when she draws what she really sees (or in this case, imagines). she makes a point of telling me that only part of the right eye can be seen, and the nose is shown from the side, etc.

this was supposedly a drawing of mette, done tonight.

this she did on the way to louisian, maybe the first drawing in the book. the top text she did herself, backwards (its not scanned in reverse). I have no idea why - she did it when we weren't watching. she said the glass was wine, with a flower in it. the portrait is, as noted, of Mette.

and this she did tonight while i sat still and she carefully studied me as she drew each feature. i think its fantastic and love it. she was so proud because she new how successful she was being as she drew it - it actually looked like me. she started by trying to copy the shape of my face, and paid attention to the shape of my glasses and my mouth in particular. the last was the hair, which she seemed to have a lot of fun with; laughing and telling me that it was 'doing crazy things tonight' as she drew each section of it. my ears are not nearly that big, but i think she made them larger because she was trying to draw the lines she saw in them.
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