aunt carolyn, Judy and 3 of her kids were nice enough to drive all the way over from Mesquite, Texas to spend the day with us. we smoked a couple of chickens w/ rosemary over pecan wood (gathered by durwood and hennie) and served them with sauteed endive, roasted new potatos and homemade sourdough bread. It all worked out well, and we spent a very easy afternoon lounging around the fire, talking, and raiding Durwood's wine closet. we hadn't seen carolyn and judy for many years, and never met Kristen, Shelby, or Wesley.

the girls loved meeting the older kids, who were probably a bit bored at times. but they are great kids and took a lot of kind interest in playing with hennie & mette and including them in everything they did. here's hennie looking up to wesley, literally and figuratively.

incredulous judy

shelby, kristen, & durwood

hennie got her first glimpse at kids sporting cell phones - and she was easily hooked.

aunt carolyn was looking great

nobody was sure of the genetic taxonomy of all the relationships there, but these two are def. related. first, second, third or removed a few times, but still related.
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