saturday ballet
getting ready on Saturday morning. hege's been going to a yoga class to have some hege-time, and I take the girls for some papa-time. the getting everybody dressed part is always the most difficult, but last weekend was almost perfect.

hennie has fallen into a routine of insisting on wearing her bathing suit and a wide variety of tights. so she shows up looking a little creative. here she decided that the traditional was shocking, at least for her.

she uses the back of the futon as a dance barre.

it was a beautiful day and they spent a lot of time damaging the flower sales along the way home.

I drop her off and have an hour to run errands with Mette - usually Home Depot - before heading back to pick Hennie up. Then we always head over to a nearby bagel cafe and have breakfast. here we're stopping at the Eagle (local polish grocery) to pick up some food before walking back to a (briefly) reinvigorated Mama.
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