chickpeas' last fundraising event of the year was a puppet show and concert at a local park-slope church. unfortunately we got no off-street traffic and ticket sales were light. i think everyone was tired at the end of a long year, and many were on vacation. But we had a great afternoon in a very interesting space and the kids all loved it. Lloyd, who is in a band called the Deedle Dee Dees, gave away 'prize' cds at several points during his concert, and hennie won one for her dancing. Its titled "Let It Dee" and is one of the better kids albums i've heard. I can almost listen to it on a semi-regular basis. The puppet show was really really good as well - everything performed by one woman: a variation of Little Red Riding Hood. We bought a CD from her, and its as good as the DDDs. So the fundraiser was worth it just for the new music, really.

sabine, ruby, sophia, hennie, & mia

mia dancing

mette loved it too

hennie, sophia, and bishopp

sammy, zohar, and anika

the group watching puppet show
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