Hennie started a local ballet class called Kinderdance. It just opened 3 blocks down from our house, which is perfect. These were taken the first day, when I took both girls (Mette is too young, so we sat together in the back and watched).

The teacher lives a couple streets behind us on the same block and the class is held in a small rental hall. So its not a dance studio with barre, but its fine for the introductory class. She goes for an hour every Saturday.

First Position

Mette was facinated and watched intently. She was extremely well behaved - I was surprised.

The class is actually Movement / Ballet / Tap, in that order. None of us knew that the first day until it was time to change into tap shoes. Hennie felt so awkward and embarrassed that she didn't have any that she ran to me and cried and wouldn't let me put her down. It was kind of heartbreaking, but we all 3 sat together and drew and watched while I talked quietly with her about it. She was at first certain that she didn't want to come back because it wasn't 'just ballet', but she pretty quickly fell in love the thought of a second pair of extraordinary shoes...
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